• Report reveals toll of Queensland’s shark cull on marine animals

    January 13, 2024


    shark on drumline for shark cull

    Dolphins, dugongs, and grey nurse sharks are among more than 700 marine animals killed by drumlines or shark nets used in Queensland’s Shark Control Program.

    The deaths have led to fresh calls to ban the controversial program and replacing it with non-lethal.

    The Humane Society International (HSI) Australia and Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS) are joining forces to issue the plea.

    The organisations have recently released the numbers after analysing the program’s 2023 data.

    It shows the nets and drumlines led to the deaths of 722 marine animals between 1 January and 31 December 2023

    Of those killed, 614 were non-target marine animals, including dolphins, dugongs, turtles, manta rays, and grey nurse sharks.

    The data also shows that only 30% of all non-target caught animals are set free alive. However, HSI Australia and AMCS say the survival of those animals is not guaranteed.

    Further, over the past decade (from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2023), Queensland shark nets and drumlines have captured 7,808 unintended non-target animals, including 734 protected animals.

    the organisation’s say modern, non-lethal solutions such as drone surveillance, alert systems, personal shark deterrents, and Shark Smart behaviour are much more effective at keeping people safe without the cost to wildlife.

    HSI Australia and AMCS are calling on the Queensland Government to fully implement modern, non-lethal protection strategies and retire culling.

                         Stats on non-target species caught in Qld’s shark nets and on drumlines:


    2 dugongs caught and found dead off Noosa Main Beach and Alexandra Headland

    12 dolphins caught, with 9 found dead

    38 turtles caught, with 5 found dead

    11 humpback whales caught

    82 animals caught were protected wildlife*, with 29 found dead


    15 Critically Endangered grey nurse sharks

    92 dolphins, including 6 Vulnerable humpback dolphins

    2 whales, a humpback in 2017 at Kurrawa Beach, and a minke in 2014 at Bilinga Beach.**

    75 threatened turtles

    8 dugongs

    273 rays, including 27 mantra rays


    A shark caught in Queensland's drumlines

    A shark caught on a drumline (image:HSI)

    Calls to end Shark Control Program

    Both organisation’s say the program must end and modern strategies to protect swimmers implanted instead.

    “These figures tell a story of a depressing disregard for our precious marine wildlife,” says Lawrence Chlebeck, HSI Australia Marine Biologist.

    “This data tells us plain and simple – nets and drumlines don’t discriminate. These wildlife death traps have a kill rate of 70% for non-target animals.”

    The data analysis follows the release of footage that showed Queensland Shark Control Program contractors stabbing a tiger shark.

    This vision raises further concerns for HSI Australia and AMCS about the killing methods used in the program.

    “We saw the footage last week of the tiger shark being brutally killed. Now we know that this scene may have replayed up to 322 times in 2023,” he says.

    “Once for every target shark caught in South-East Queensland, if it survived the initial entanglement or hooking.

    “Thankfully, target sharks are spared this fate in the Great Barrier Reef thanks to a successful court challenge by HSI in 2019.”

    “Shark incidents are rare, and this program doesn’t stop them from happening. Almost half of sharks (40%) are caught in the nets on their way out from the beach.

    “Additionally, by trapping wildlife right off beaches, the nets could even be attracting sharks closer inshore.”

    AMCS’s shark scientist, Dr Leonardo Guida, says the 62-year-old beach safety standards are too old.

    “Nobody would accept 62-year-old safety standards at home, work or school, and the beach should be no different,” Dr Guida says.

    “Queensland has the solutions in hand – comprehensive education programs, drones as invaluable eyes on the water, tagging and tracking sharks.

    “All of which demonstrate the culling component of the program is redundant.”

    FACT: Queensland’s Shark Control Program comprises 27 nets and 383 traditional lethal drumlines installed off the state’s beaches. All are deployed year-round, including during whale migration season.  The World Heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef is one of the locations the drumlines are used.

    →Head to the HSI Australia website for more information on this program and others.



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