Know how to prepare pets for bushfire or flood emergencies

dog walking through flood water World Animal Protection

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

➔ ONLINE NOW: Australia has been hit with severe thunderstorms recently and with more are set to come, we’ve shared ways to keep your anxious pet calm during a storm.

As the devastating floods and bushfires that have ravaged Australia in recent years have reminded us, emergency situations can unfortunately happen at any time.

And when they do, pet and livestock owners are often left in a state of panic and uncertainty.

As we’ve seen time and time again, animals are often the largest causality of these disasters.

While wildlife is usually the most affected, it’s crucial to have a well-thought-out evacuation plan in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of pets and livestock during such emergencies.

In this guide, we will discuss key tips and points for pet owners and farmers on preparing for and handling natural disasters, including floods and bushfires, and what essentials should be included in a disaster kit.

Including animals in your emergency evacuation plan: prepare for your pets, too

Pets are an integral part of our families. That sentiment has been on display countless times in recent years during Australia’s weather emergencies.

When natural disasters – storms, floods, or bushfires – strike, our pet’s wellbeing is often as concerning to us as that of any other family member.

The country has experienced devastating weather emergencies and natural disasters in recent years, with bushfires, storms, and floods leading to significant loss of live, homes, and livelihoods.

And, as a result, countless animals were killed after families were forced to flee their homes with little to no warning, leaving their pets behind.

Sadly, many of the farm animals that were left to fend for themselves ended up drowning.

However, pets have specific needs that are crucial to address, especially when dealing with the unpredictability of natural disasters like floods and bushfires.

With the Bureau of Meterology warning for more severe thunderstorms across parts of Australia, it’s crucial pet owners have a plan in place that includes their animals, in case of an emergency.

Dog in crate for Animal Friendly Life article on pet safety in storms and how to help animals in floods
Pet owners should have items, such as crates, accessible in case of emergency evacuations (image Unsplash)

Preparing animals for natural disasters

Pet owners are encouraged to have a disaster plan that includes their pets in place in case of an emergency.

Simple things like having an emergency pet kit ready can make the difference in a life-threatening situation.

“It’s crucial to have a plan for your animals before disaster strikes,” said Ben Pearson, country director for World Animal Protection.

“While there is an outpouring of compassion for animals, many people are unaware of how to help them.

“Without a plan, people may make panicked decisions that threaten the safety of their animals and their family.

horse on farm surrounded by bushfire for bushfire animal safety
Horses and other animals were surrounded by bushfires in Australia

In severe weather conditions, it’s important to be well-stocked and prepared in case you get evacuated or are cut off from electricity and water.

You don’t want the added stress of trying to remember your pets’ essential items, and possibly risking the chance of being able to take them with you. Or not having access to enough food for them at home.

Here’s a list of pet care items that are good to keep together and easily accessed in case of an emergency.

FOOD: At least three days’ worth of non-perishable food.

WATER: At least three days’ worth.

MEDICINE: Store in a waterproof container.

VET RECORDS: Keep copies in a watertight container.

FIRST AID KIT: Extra cotton bandage rolls, bandage tapes, scissors, tweezers, and latex gloves.

BLANKET & BEDDING: Familiar items to reduce stress.

SANITATION: Newspapers, paper towels, plastic bags, gloves, and household bleach for cleaning.

  • Collar or tag with your and your pet’s details.
  • Register and microchip your pet.
  • Store a current photograph of your pet in a waterproof container.
  • Sturdy lead, harness, or muzzle.
  • Cages or carriers for safe transport.

Kangaroo surrounded by burnt land for animals in bushfires.
Kangaroo with joey is surrounded by burnt land and devastation (image Joanne McCarthur via Unsplash)

How to help pets and livestock after a bushfire or flood disaster

Planning for disaster is vital, but it’s also important to have a plan to help animals recover after an event.

  • Clean water sources: dams or ponds that your pets drink from might be contaminated, so try to avoid them drinking or going into them.
  • Clear hazards on your property so that debris has gone before moving your pets back in.
  • Create a calm environment with their favourite toys and blankets to reduce stress.
  • Monitor your pets for any injuries they may have sustained, and contact a vet if you are worried about an injury or their behaviour.
  • Re-stock your disaster planning kit, if you don’t already have one, you can download your plan today.
  • Review and improve your disaster plan!
  • Update or replace their ID tag if details to have most recent details.


Heartwarming animal rescues from Australian flood disasters

Many heartwarming stories of people rescuing and caring for animals in floods have emerged from the devastation.

MP for the Animal Justice Party, Mark Pearson, says it’s great to see how much the community cares for animals.

“We’ve seen Australians go above and beyond for animals by saving pets, farmed animals, and wild animals alike,” Pearson says.

Pearson says it’s also great to see people caring for farm animals just as much as pets like cats and dogs.

“I saw a government document about the floods referring to animals and livestock separately,” says Pearson.

“Most Australians don’t see a distinction, and don’t consider livestock as just objects or stock to be lost.”

NSW SES caring for animals in floods
NSW SES attend to cows stranded by flood water (credit NSW SES)

“All animals suffer in natural disasters, just like humans, and we as a society are really starting to realise that,” Pearson says.

“It’s inspiring to see so many incredible stories of people rescuing not only dogs and cats, but koalas, kangaroos, horses and cows.

“I thank the volunteers working to save lives, but I want to remind the public to never put themselves in danger.”

Animal Justice Party MP Mark Pearson animals in floods
MP Mark Pearson from Animal Justice Party 

Mark calls on Australians to have a plan in place for caring for their animals in a disaster.

“This is a good reminder for everyone to have a plan of action in place for saving the animals in your care.”